Saturday, 16 July 2011

Effect of Coca Cola on meat experiment 1 Data

11. What do data mean? (Data Analysis)
From the data collected it can be seen that raw pork that was placed in Coke had the largest percentage increase in both mass and total surface area. It had an increase in total surface area of 106.96% while its increase in mass was 150%. Raw chicken meat place in Coke was next to follow with an increase of 43.18% in terms of total surface area and an increase of 100% in terms of mass. Cooked pork placed in coke was next and increased in mass by 20% and surface area by 18.23%. This was followed by cooked chicken which increased in surface area by 6.37% and in weight by 25%. Cooked and raw chicken and pork meat that were placed in water to act as controls increased in total surface area and mass significantly lesser than that of pieces of meat placed in coke, when compared with the same type of meat(chicken/pork and raw/cooked) placed in coke instead of water. The change in the mass and total surface area of the pieces of meat in water was probably due to osmosis occurring and water molecules moving from an area of high water potential(water meat is place in) to an area of lower water potential(pieces of meat) through the partially permeable members of the pieces of meat. However since coke has a lower water potential than water, meaning that if osmosis was the only cause of the increase in mass and total surface area of the pieces of meat, the pieces of meat in coke should have had a smaller increase in mass and total surface area when compared with the pieces of meat in water. This is as since water has a higher water potential and the pieces of meat have similar water potentials, more water would enter the pieces of meat placed in water. However the pieces of meat placed in coke increased in mass and total surface area much more than the pieces of meat placed in water, meaning that the change was not solely because of osmosis, but probably included another process such as diffusion as well. Also from observations made, the coke solution which contained the pieces of raw meat separated to form a brownish-yellowish coloured translucent liquid as well as black coloured sediments which settled at the bottom of the container.  

12. What can you deduce from the discussion of your data analysis? (Conclusion)
With the data collected, I am able to deduce that meat placed in Coke increases greatly in mass and total surface area, while pieces of meat placed in water increases in mass and total surface very minimally, this means that osmosis was not the main cause of the increase in mass and surface area of the pieces of meat, and probably another process such as diffusion was the main cause. Also, I am able to deduce that the coke that has raw meat place in it will separate, and only the combination of raw meat and coke causes a great change in the solution itself.

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